Saturday, May 3, 2008

cute leh?

'Oh, i can't see well with my specs off!'

'I squeeze myself in.'

"Am i cute with my hat on?"

'I will feel better if I can drowse off.'

'huh, Am i pampered with cat mannerism?'

'Get set, Go!'

'O..what is that thorny funky thing at my back?'

Wahaha, all these are paintings on stones, cute leh?


花罗汉 said...

really cute, i likes a dog....

Anita said...

hey, 花 罗 汉
你 来 到 我 的 blog还 留 言, 我 好 感 动 oooo.你 不 会 拒 绝 我 把 你 的 blog link 去 我 的 吾 尔 物 语 吧 !

花罗汉 said...
