Friday, July 31, 2009

回忆录- 1

6 月4日(星期四)


大学批文到最后一分钟才发电邮通知。 AD 的同事就说时间紧迫怎么带你娘去。 建议让校方安排行程。 难得 AD有这份孝心,知道去罗马一游是我的梦想,也是我多年的愿望 ,他要让我的梦想成真,愿望实现。 他花了一个星期的时间上网找资料,定机票,安排住宿等。 他也叫我上网熟悉游览地方的地理和位置。 哎呀,家里的streamyx,申请了好一阵子都无下文! 真他妈的服务这么烂! 我只好一切交给儿子代办。

因怕班机延误,就乘搭亚航早班班机从诗巫飞往吉珑坡。 11.00就到达吉隆坡LCCT机场,乘坐大巴到KLIA机场。我们去罗马的马航班机是午夜11:45起飞。 哇,要在机场呆上老半天耶! 只有阅读,念玫瑰经来打发时间。

傍晚六点多AD就到达机场与我会合。 他拿出他所拟定的行程表给我参看。 哇唠,简直不敢相信我的眼睛,那简直是一份比专业旅行社更专业的行程表,里头图文并茂,一目了然。 我打从心里佩服儿子的办事能力。 跟他一块儿去肯定没错!


Monday, July 27, 2009

Long long time

It has been a long long time since my last blog.

I quilted from my job and applied for streamyx access at home. Mukah Telekom gave me the answer that "your line is bad" and refused to fix it for me. I was so desperated. I couldn't check my email, couldn't blog, couldn't go to my facebook....

Cis, as I was comforting myself that no internet won't die lah! I can check my email once a week at cybercafe or my friend's house de.... So sod off that depression!

It took me a month to adjust my life style! My son often called me up: "Mummy, what are you doing?" My answer is: "sleep like a pig lo!" My life is to eat and to sleep. I think my son is worrying about my health and my psycho problem, I could sense it.

After a month of 'dying slept', my son told me he is going for a conference in Zilina at Slovakia round the beginning of June. Wow, It was during the school holiday! Yes, I wana go to make my dream comes true.

My son asked me to check the itinerary which he had proposed to me. From KL/Rome/Milano/Vienna/Bratislava/Zilina/Bratislava/Venice/Rome/KL. What a pity! I couldn't help him up! I left everything in his hand. I knew his ability.