Thursday, May 8, 2008

Are you a modern mom?

Take this test!
From new trends to their favorite slang, you're the kind of mom who "gets" the younger generation. So when it comes to being at the top of your parental game, you score big!

Perceptive and supportive, you're able to put yourself in your kids' shoes and understand what's really important to them at any age. While some parents might trivialize their children's priorities, you realize that the smaller things can make a world of difference when you're a kid. It's no surprise to you that understanding the ins and outs of being young is one of the coolest (and best!) ways to keep your crew happy and healthy. Way to stay hip!

Yes, I rather prefer to treat my sons and daughters as friends than as greenhorns of mine as they grow up. Sometimes accepting small, small mistakes that they had made, be in accord with their curiosity and following up their trends are very much appreciated by them. Life is all about sharing! We share regardless good or bad, happy or sad.....They have made me a happy mom.


AD said...

Luckily u are a modern mum...if u kolot....habis la u....misti sangat kesian and lonely...:P

Anita said...

hey, don forget, we kolot-kolot till midnite on Mother's Day 2008. Thanks for the happy hours though u were 'over the mountains over the sea'. hehe...