Friday, May 30, 2008


11.07.2002 was a desperate day for me. My hubby went to God, leaving behind one undergraduate, one secondary school boy and a girl with me.

I was a kindergarten teacher, incidentally I would grant myself as a kindi super maid because of the 'esteem' and 'super high' income I gained. hehe..

After my late hubby went to God, I was under an obligation to educate and to bring up my kids. Who can help me?

Because of late hubby's 'death in service', the pension was delayed. All the government corresponding letters, probate, power of attorney had bothered me and made my head swing. I couldn't count how many sleepless nights. With the 'gei shui' wages, I didn't know how to sustain my family.

I knew God is just, full of compassion. I started clinging to God. I went to daily Eucharistic Celebration early morning. I prayed for God's Grace and Blessing.

"With God all things are possible" Mt19:26

During those months of tribulations, God brought me through. I encountered God's Grace and abundant blessing.

God blessed me with numbers of students in my private tuition class. I was self-sufficient without any aid to sustain my family. I know 'Emanuel' ~ 'God is with us'.

By God's grace, my two sons are graduated and employed. My girl is undergraduate. I am now employed in tourism industry. I love recent job. hehe...more time for travelling, reading blogs and even become a blogger too.

I hope I will love and serve God more and more for he has done wonders on my life.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

桂 林 点 滴




我们坐在这种竹筏上跟‘刘三妹’对唱山歌呢! 我们乱唱自通,大家嘻哈一片。偷偷地告诉你,我还被奖了一粒绣球叻!哇哈哈!

这些鱼鹰真驯良,根本不把游客放在眼中,悠闲自在地作日光浴耶 !

瞧,渔 夫 从 鱼鹰 口中获得一条鱼。当初还以为这位渔夫训鹰有方。查询之后,其实不然,这只不过是场表演吧了!鱼鹰颈项绑了条绳子不让它把鱼儿吞下。哎呀,怎么会想到这种噱头来吸引游客?

江 中 还 有 烧 烤 鱼 档 , 卖 的 是 野 生 桂 花 鱼 。 淡 水 鱼 的 味 道 如 何?

美 中 不 足 , 这 就 是 所 谓 的 公 厕 , 厕 间 无 门 。 初 入 其 间 , 真 有 些 不 习 惯 呢 !

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Are you a modern mom?

Take this test!
From new trends to their favorite slang, you're the kind of mom who "gets" the younger generation. So when it comes to being at the top of your parental game, you score big!

Perceptive and supportive, you're able to put yourself in your kids' shoes and understand what's really important to them at any age. While some parents might trivialize their children's priorities, you realize that the smaller things can make a world of difference when you're a kid. It's no surprise to you that understanding the ins and outs of being young is one of the coolest (and best!) ways to keep your crew happy and healthy. Way to stay hip!

Yes, I rather prefer to treat my sons and daughters as friends than as greenhorns of mine as they grow up. Sometimes accepting small, small mistakes that they had made, be in accord with their curiosity and following up their trends are very much appreciated by them. Life is all about sharing! We share regardless good or bad, happy or sad.....They have made me a happy mom.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

cute leh?

'Oh, i can't see well with my specs off!'

'I squeeze myself in.'

"Am i cute with my hat on?"

'I will feel better if I can drowse off.'

'huh, Am i pampered with cat mannerism?'

'Get set, Go!'

'O..what is that thorny funky thing at my back?'

Wahaha, all these are paintings on stones, cute leh?